The Authentic Instance: Reframing Authenticity in the Conservation of Contemporary Art
Brian Castriota
Values and Valuation of Modern and Contemporary Visual Art: The Role of Reflective Practice – Collection of the Museum of Art in Lodz, 1931-2018
Joanna Kiliszek
Interpreting Artist’s Intent: The Notion of Intent Tested Against Joseph Beuys’ Capri-Battery
Nina Quabeck
Authenticity and Reproducibility: Conservation Strategies for Contemporary Photography
Marta Garcia Celma
Long-term Preservation of Software-based Artworks: From Single Case Studies to Best Practice
Claudia Roeck
Exploring Ethnography in Conservation Research
Caitlin Spangler-Bickell
Tracing Meanings: The Artist Interview as an Interpretative Tool for the Artwork as an Open-Ended Archive
Aga Wielocha
A Participatory Approach to the Conservation of Performance-based Art
Iona Goldie-Scot
Documentation and Digitization Meet Digital Preservation to Make Time-based Art Last for Posterity
Dušan Barok
The Creative Process is Collective
Sophie Lei
What happens when a work like Equivalent VIII (1966) is presented enclosed within protective barriers?
Maria Theodoraki
Low-level Conflict in Contemporary Art Conservation Research
Zoë Miller
Private Collections as Care-takes
Artemis Rüstau
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